Monday, 20 May 2013

Retelling Stories

We have been learning to retell a story. We have to remember how the story starts, what the problem is in the story, how the story ends and all the details inbetween. Its great for thinking about sequencing, comprehension and talking about text. We take turns sharing our stories with a buddy then they get to tell their buddy their story. Awesome respect and listening skills developing on both sides.

These boys have been talking about treasure from this awesome big book. Great skills in taking turns, investigating language and exploring text together.


  1. this obviously works...Joe just re-told to me and his brother the story about the bee keepers-"they spray special smoke into the hives to keep the bees calm and then they can take the honeycomb. The bees beat their wings to get the honey thick. The beekeepers wear a visor so the bees don't sting them". We were impressed!

  2. Oh no, who is that child sucking her thumb at reading time! Nice to see you paying attention to the story though Eden, must have been a good one :)
