Friday, 22 March 2013

Nepal Parcel Sent Today!

Technology has helped Pod 2 children connect online with a small rural school in Nepal. Laetitia talks regularly with Govinda, the teacher and director of the school, to talk of the struggles he has running a school just to supply the basics such as paper and pencils is an ongoing challenge. There is no playground equipment except one ball, one hoop and one slide. The classrooms are very tiny, made of mud bricks and have rows of bench seats which double as a table when the children sit on the ground. We have viewed many video clips about how little the children have for playing and learning at SAV school, just 16kms out of Kathmandu. It is such a contrast to what we have available here in Wanaka. Govinda has one laptop to keep up conenctions around the world to support his school and the children who attend it. He is an inspiration to how one teacher can make a difference even in the most challenging situations.

This week our children have worked hard to make cards and write letters to the Nepalese children. Very kindly, Pod 2 children have donated pocket money and some small gifts to send to their buddy school in Nepal.  We are very proud to be able to help children on the other side of the world as we learn alongside each other about global differences.

With the support of some wonderful people at Adventure Consultants here in Wanaka, we are able to get our parcel hand delivered to Govinda (teacher and director of SAV School) early next week.

Thank you to the parents who helped make our learning so meaningful and powerful in valuing differences and supporting others in need. I am sure the learning is mutual for all involved.

If you would like more information about SAV School please check our Global connections tab at the top of this blog.

1 comment:

  1. We are very happy that Pod 2 are learning about and making connections with other countries and cultures; having spent a lot of time in Asia (including India and Nepal) I have a good idea about what the children over there have/don't have. Our dream is to take Joe and his brother travelling to these countries and this is a brilliant introduction for him. It is so important for children in the developed world to learn about people in poorer countries (that they are poor in wealth but rich in culture) and what better way than connecting with a school and learning first hand how other people live. Great job!
