Sunday 21 February 2016

Life Education Trust Visit

We have been visiting Harold the giraffe in the Life Education Trust mobile classroom. He has been helping us learn about friendships. We can be a 'bucket filler' adding happiness or a 'bucket dipper' where happiness can fall out of our bucket. We all have a bucket and it is really easy to fill someone's bucket - ask your child how they can do so. 

Life Education

We have been visiting Harold the giraffe in the Life Education Trust mobile classroom. He is helping us learn all about friendships, how being a 'bucket filler' builds friendship and how being a 'bucket dipper' can empty it.  

Thursday 11 December 2014

Room 14's Play

Thank you Room 14 for coming over and presenting your Christmas play to Rooms 5 and 6. We loved your props! 

Room 5 and Room18 Buddy Up

This week Room 5 and Room 18 spent Wednesday afternoon together.  Room 18 had written instructions to teach their Room 5 a new skill. All children had a fabulous time. 

Wednesday 10 December 2014


We have been learning about repeating patterns.


We have been exploring the properties of clay. We each made a pinch pot. More photos to come with final product.